welcome the new guy i plan on being active on this forum because it seems like the crowd i belong inītw private internet access vpn is the best. Ps im a long time lurker and been watching the youtube show for a while now too. The question is, have any of you used tomato on your router? if so, have you used the dnscrypt option on it? howd you configure it? It works by encrypting all DNS traffic between the user and OpenDNS, preventing any spying, spoofing or man-in-the-middle attacks. I run wireshark while i go to the web browser and test it (by going to web sites and running dns leak test) yet i can still see in plaintext the urls of the lookups in wireshark. DNSCrypt is a piece of lightweight software that everyone should use to boost online privacy and security.

I have the resolver set to opendns, priority set to strict-order "Use dnscrypt-proxy" at first im like fuck yeah, but then im like ummm In the dns configuration for tomato, it has the standard static dns server fields where u can put google or opendns ( or or whatever) below those text fields is a checkbox.
Opendns dnscrypt tomato mac osx#
Mac OSX application to control the DNSCrypt Proxy. OpenDNS public domain lists of domain names for training/testing classifiers.
Opendns dnscrypt tomato how to#
For years all my routers have had dd-wrt runnin on em, so tonight i decided it was time to give another firmware a try. If your router is running recent versions of the DD-WRT or Tomato open firmwares (both of which we've shown you how to install ), or if your router supports OpenDNS out of the box, DNSCrypt may. OpenDNS application security training program.